Saturday, 21 May 2011

Girls that Inspire Me.

Some people have been on my mind...
They are good friends, though I haven't been really in touch.
Let me tell you about them in no particular order.
Damilola Ashaolu; She is bold, beautiful and has talent, listen to her sing and you'll be delighted
read her works and you'll be amazed. Dami is so current yet she has a way with African stories.
Dami is one of those that assure of the blessings of Nigeria.
Ifeoma Nwabudike; Besides her amazon build and super intelligence,
Ify's determination amazes the most. If Ify is determined to achieve something,
only God can stop her. Her self drive inspires me.
Olayinka Abidakun; what Yinka lacks in build, she makes up for it in her sense of focus,
her retentive memory is simply high-tech, she remembers people, names, numbers...just name it;
few people know what they want, fewer, go after it; Yinka is in an intersection set of both.

You girls rock!

1 comment:

  1. awwww....this brought tears to my eyes...thank are very special yourself!!!
